Monday 17 March 2014


// G E O R G E  E Z R A - C O A T  O F  A R M O U R // This song, the music, the feeling, his voice, everything is perfect!

Thursday 13 March 2014


// S N A P S  F R O M  Y E S T E R D A Y //

Some snaps from my phone, not the highest quality but it's something! Spring has finally arrived and hopefully it's here to stay!!! Yesterday I had flowers in my hair all day (felt like a princess) and sat by Helsinki Cathedral in the afternoon sun with music in my ears. One of my favourite places to just sit and chill. Anyway, it was a lovely day.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Sunday 2 March 2014


After cleaning the apartment for 3 hours and a fresh shower, I thought I deserved a cup of my beloved peppermint tea! Love when the place is clean, even though I really hate the cleaning-part. It feels totally worth it now, it's so cozy in here and especially with the light from the "Buddha-head". Now you've also got to meet my darling Mac, with the best desktop background ever ;)

Saturday 1 March 2014


 // H E L S I N K I //
Some pictures from today and me and my happy twin in Amandas scarf from Cubus! Today the sun was up!!!!!!! Guess who woke up on the brightest side possible?! Ate my breakfast and then spent two hours just walking by the sea with the greatest smile on my face. Talking about walking on sunshine! I just love sunny winter days that reminds you that the summer is not too far away after all.

 // S E T  S A I L - K I D S // I accidentally saw these guys while watching other youtube videos and they are amazing! This song has been my "walking-on-sunshine" song of the day even though the lyrics is not the happiest, but this band has such a lovely happy music so it's hard not to smile when you listen to them!