Saturday, 26 April 2014
// H A T - H & M // L I P S T I C K - C L I N I Q U E // B O M B E R J A C K E T - P R I M A R K //
J A M I E J E A N S - T O P S H O P // S H O E S - D I N S K O //
Last weekend I visited my home-village in Sweden, and since my sister got a new nikon camera for Christmas, we decided to take it for a go. I'm very happy with the result, my sister is talented! I Like my casual outfit too and this is something I happen to wear all the time! The hat is just a perfect item that gives the whole look a more interesting and nicer touch. Love it! And my new shoes. Perfect.
Friday, 25 April 2014

// C O P E N H A G E N N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 3 //
Here are some delayed pictures from Copenhagen! Excuse me for being so slow!
Copenhagen is sooooo beautiful, I've never been there before so this was my first time and I kind of fell in love with the city. It's a big city but it got it's coziness- Old buildings, cozy harbours, nice shopping streets that doesn't give you the stressful-big-city-feeling (Even though I like that too). We spent 4 days there visiting Henna and staying at her place which was so lovely, all white which I love and it never goes wrong! Henna told us that the best way to experience Copenhagen was on bicycles so that's what we did and we actually got Finnish Jopo bicycles, haha. It was so great to be outside in the fresh air the whole day and see all the great sightseeings at the same time. That must have been my healthiest trip because I was so exhausted when we got home in the evenings.
As you may also have noticed that we visited some kind of Winter Wonderland, and yes we did but it's the Copenhagen Tivoli Gardens! They have an annual "Magical in Winter" which they turn the whole Tivoli into a Christmas paradise with millions of lightning bulbs. It was so breathtakingly and I could feel my jaw hurting from having my mouth wide open and saying "wooooooooow" every minute of the evening. If you visit Copenhagen during the winter season, you have to go to the Tivoli Gardens!
And one of the other main attractions of our visit to Copenhagen, which is not included in the pictures, was to see Jake Bugg's gig at Vega! He released his second album Shangri La the same day as the concert so it was a live stream for the world to see (think it is still available to see if you want). It was AMAZING!!! And the album is so great, loved how he opened with There's A Beast And We All Feed It and closed with Lightning Bolt, loved everything haha! :D I was totally struck by Song About Love, it was so magical and it felt so real like he sang from his heart. Beautiful. After the concert we headed straight to Henna for a few hours of sleep before our flight back to Helsinki. Oh how I miss these days in Copenhagen...but hopefully I will get the chance to go back soon!
Sunday, 13 April 2014

//N E W S I N G L E : E D S H E E R A N - S I N G //

//T H R O W B A C K - E D S H E E R A N - S U N D S V A L L 2 0 1 2 //
GUESS WHO'S SUPER EXCITED FOR ED SHEERAN'S NEW ALBUM? I just have to do a post about his new single "Sing" which is SO GREAT that I can't even imagine how great the whole album is going to be! I have waited so long for this so it feels so awesome to say that it's so close now!!
Ed is absolutely one of my favourite artists, and he also seems to be such an amazing person! I was lucky enough to see him live at the "Rix Fm Festival"with Amanda in Sundsvall 2012. And I was also lucky enough to get an autograph and a quick chat with him (!!!!!!). Haha or it was more like this : me, standing starstruck in front of him while he asked me how I'm doing..I actually managed to answer his question (all nervous and everything) and ask him the same question. But I was so starstruck so it was only stammering.
Anyway he was awesome, but he only played a few songs because he was just one of the preforming acts (it only lasted for two hours). I really want to see him again but sadly he's not coming to Helsinki on his tour so I have to wait for that to happen...uuh :(
Thursday, 10 April 2014

Sunday, 6 April 2014
Friday, 4 April 2014
// D I S N E Y P U Z Z L E // T E AM W O R K // P A I N T I N G // S A R A A N D P I N K F L O Y D // B E A U T I F U L H E L S I N K I S K Y //
I'm back, sorry sorry! So many things have happened and I haven't had a time to just relax and put some time on my little blog. Okay not really, but it is true many things have happened but I've just started to watch Suits (LOVE IT), which has filled a huge gap of my "computer-spare-time" making it impossible to do something else on my computer. Bad excuse..
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